Founded in 1989, Future Directions is a non-profit peer wellness center that provides a variety of recovery paths to those with mental illness, and is available, without charge, to anyone who is currently utilizing mental health services in Cuyahoga County.
Peer support facilitates living full, independent lives. Education not only helps members understand the difficulties of their own illness, but with outreach, it also reduces stigma in the community. Arts and crafts help teach patience while improving motor skills, as well as enhancing basic work skills. Group interaction with fellow peers helps improve social skills and boosts self-confidence through sharing of ideas. Members can drop-in to simply relax in a safe environment where everyone can be themselves and enjoy a fun place outside of their routine home environment.
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.”
-Georgia O’Keeffe, American Painter